
SCFSC now offers one in-person test session per year which runs concurrently with our annual competition. An email notification will be sent out to all members when the in-person test session is open for registration via EntryEeze. All other test sessions will be done Virtually.

We are now accepting ROLLING VIRTUAL TEST SUBMISSIONS. There is no deadline to register or submit your documentation. Your test will be submitted for judging after all required documents and video recordings are submitted to the testing committee. To register for a Virtual Test, please review the SCFSC Virtual Testing Guide and fill out a request form as per the instructions. 

Currently, virtual testing is only offered to SCFSC members!

Virtual Testing Instructions

Before proceeding, please carefully review the SCFSC Virtual Testing Guide and Testing Policy

  1. Record the test per USFS Instructions
  2. Fill out all the required forms which include:
  1. Upload the forms and video to the Google Drive folder.
  2. Ensure that the video has been renamed to reflect the skater’s name as well as the test being submitted.
  3. Set the folder/file on Google Drive to be viewable to “anyone with the link.”
  4. Make your payment via Venmo or Check to the SCFSC as instructed in Testing Guide. The cost for virtual testing is $45 per test.
  5. Sent an email with the link to the Google Drive files to scfsclub@gmail.com and cc your coach to inform all parties that the forms and video have been uploaded/submitted.

Testers are responsible for organizing their own videographer, ice time, forms, and proctor. They are also responsible for uploading their own video and forms.

Please keep in mind that when the “paying for a good or service transaction” option is chosen for Venmo payments, the club is charged a fee which will be subtracted from the amount paid. In order for a virtual test to be processed, the amount of payment the club receives must be in full after the fee subtraction (if that option is chosen).

Helpful Links and Tips

Feel free to use the minimized checklist at rink side while getting your video recorded and ready to upload. Make sure you have reviewed the full instructions above prior to using the helpful tip sheets below!

Permission to Test Away

In order to test at an outside club, SCFSC members must request a permission to test away. To obtain permission to test away, please fill out the PDF form below and send it to the test chair. Prior to submitting your request, please ensure that you have paid the test away fee as per testing policy. Fees may be paid via Venmo or by turning in a check to the club president.